Final Fridays!

Summer 2019 we got the most out of summer at City of Mud.

Final Fridays!

We stayed open late for a special ”salon” on the last Friday of each summer months of 2019. There was lots to enjoy on Final Fridays! As always, City of Mud is your friendly collaborative arts collective and we love to see you when we hold special events!

June 28: Adam Griffo and Friends Jazz Trio treated us to a casual performance with special guest appearances. It was a great way to check out our Rare Earth show for those who missed the opening.

July 26: Peace Pets event for kids of ALL ages. The lovely Jolynn Ulibarri brought her family of rescued exotic animals and to teach kids about animal and planetary conservation in a fun, interactive way.

August 30: glass artist MF Baker entertained us with a presentation on the special UV-reactive glass objects he began creating in 2019. We viewed his blown glass pieces under incandescent and black light, heard how he makes them—and the history of this unusual art form.

Julie DeFeoCity of Mud